The Road Frequently Travelled Made Easy

Mary Malikula's new friend

Mary Malikula’s new friend

Mary Malikula’s day is like this: She reports for work at Andiamo Education Institutions (AEI) at 7:30 in the morning. After cleaning up the offices, she leaves for Tigawane House (about 2.5 Kilometres) to stay with the kids.

Mary comes from Mponda village (about 4 kilometres from AEI office) and Tigawane House is in between AEI and Mponda. Moving up and down makes her cover many kilometres and with the Balaka heat, this sometimes becomes unbearable to Mary.

“Tigawane Project” is under Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust and it aims at reducing the number of street kids by giving them a decent living.

This frequently travelled journey has been made easier because Mary has now a new bicycle that will ease her mobility.

Life made simple

Life made simple

By Our Reporter

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