St Augustine Flooded

The Thursday morning, 17 October the web team went to St. Augustine Primary School, which is a stone throw distance from Andiamo. The school that was built by Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust (AYCT) with the support from Seconda Linea Missionaria of St. Monica Parish in OSTIA – Rome and was handed over to the government of Malawi.

The school has now all the eight classes but has an enrolment of over 1500 students. Standard one alone has over 300 students making it almost impossible for a teacher.

This is a school where Tigawane Project sends its kids to learn.

Standard 3 students learning under a tree

Standard 3 students learning under a tree

Martin, of Tigawane project among the students

Martin, of Tigawane project among the students

A teacher finding it hard to teach

A teacher finding it hard to teach

Overcrowded Standard one class

Overcrowded Standard one class

Teacher, pupil ratio appalling

Teacher, pupil ratio appalling

Steven Kunje, the new Head Teacher of St Augustine

Steven Kunje, the new Head Teacher of St Augustine

By The Web Team





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