Tag Archives: Pope Francis

AYCT in double celebrations

Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust (AYCT) will on Sunday, 20 October celebrate the World Mission Sunday and the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Bepi and Mirella. World Mission Sunday is a day that was set aside for Catholics worldwide to recommit themselves … Continue reading

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Pope Francis’ First Speech in Brazil where Alleluya Band is in attendance

“Young people have confidence in Christ: they are not afraid to risk for him the only life they have, because they know they will not be disappointed.” Madam President, Distinguished Authorities, Brethren and Friends! In his loving providence, God wished … Continue reading

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Prayer for Pope Francis

God of lands far and near: we praise and thank you for the gift of Francis our Pope. Guide and protect our Holy Father keep him in your care as he begins this service in your name and for us … Continue reading

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Habemus Papam

Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust joins the rest of the world jubilating upon this great news and sending their goodwill wishes to Pope Francis. As His Holiness Pope Francis ascends to the Chair of Saint Peter and begins his papacy, Andiamo … Continue reading

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