Alessandro Cappelli leaves a mark

One month has gone now and it is time to go back home. Alessandro Cappelli, a basketball trainer and ICT expert leaves today for Italy but leaves behind a mark we cannot delete. Students will miss him for there is noone around to teach them new skills of basketball. Not only that, he will also be missed because in his free weekends, he spent his time with the students of Andiamo Education Institutions (AEI) showing them movies. The community of Balaka will miss a young dedicated man.

To AVANADE, the company, Alessandro works for, we thank you for your support always.

Alessandro with students at the basketball court

Alessandro with students at the basketball court

We mean it: Thank you!

We mean it: Thank you!

Time to say goodbye

Time to say goodbye

Please come again

Please come again

Capelli, the ICT man

Cappelli, the ICT man

By P.K.B

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One Response to Alessandro Cappelli leaves a mark

  1. John Agogo kadango says:

    We will miss you Alessandro. we thank God for bringing you here in Malawi.we take it as a gift to us.hope you come back next year.

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