Bishop Stima follows his flock

On Saturday, 22 February 2014, we were in Mangochi to witness the installation of Bishop Montfort Stima as the new Bishop of Mangochi Diocese where we belong and on Monday, 24 March, the new Bishop followed us to see what we are doing for the church and indeed our country.

During the visit, the Bishop was briefed about the four pillars that summarise our service to humanity namely: Education; Healthcare; Social Development; and Sports and Culture.

From his speeches, it is clear that the Bishop may be new to the diocese but not our contribution to the church and the country. He has followed well Alleluya band. He uses glasses, which he showed, made at Comfort Vision. We like his advise: Stick to the values of the Catholic church. This is the message he brought to all our four pillars he visited.

Arrival of Bishop Stima at AYCT

Arrival of Bishop Montfort Stima at AYCT

Bishop Stima receives a gift

Bishop Stima receives a gift as Don Cesare and the Director look on

At the Cobbler Section

At the Cobbler Section

He also visited the paediatric ward of Comfort Community Hospital

He also visited the paediatric ward of Comfort Community Hospital

Students of Andiamo Education Institutions had an honour to meet him

Students of Andiamo Education Institutions had an honour to meet him

By P.K.B






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