Tigawane boys progressing…

Primary schools have closed and Tigawane boys have brought their result slips home. Each one of them has passed and advancing to next class apart from Smith Chabweza who was injured in the course of his exams.boys

At the look of things, the victory goes deeper than the success in the exams the kids just had. These result slips illustrate the mission of Tigawane being realized.

“I am very glad for their impressive performance” says Valeria Giassi, the Tigawane project coordinator. “The good thing is they have proved to know best to put to use this second chance to education” she continues with passion candidly wishing the boys the best future. She goes on to thank St. Augustine Primary school staff members for being so kind and patient to the Tigawane kids whose background [street life] could at times prompt undesirable behaviours.

By Harry Pongolani


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