AEI Campus to have a new bore hole

Problems of water will be a thing of the past soon in Andiamo Education Institutions Campus. Volunteers from Italy are drilling a borehole that will supply water to the boys’ hostels through an electric pump.
“This borehole is meant for boys only,” says Fr Mario, the founding trustee of Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust.

Mussa Milosi, one of the boys’ boarding masters says the new borehole will ease water problems which have been there since the secondary school was opened.

Fr. Mario Pacifici ( right)at the site where the bore hole is being drilled

He says since the campus had only one pump, it was difficult to supply water the whole campus of more than 250 students mainly due to the frequent blackouts.

“For sure we have dealt with the hygiene problem now,” says Milosi with a relief in his face.

Patrick Bwanali, who is one of the coordinators of the institutions, says he is thankful to the cooperative for this gift of water.

” We know there are a lot of people who need water in this part of Balaka but we are grateful that out of these people, Fr. Mario decided to give us one.” Bwanali thanked also the volunteers from Italy who never stop to “amaze us” with their dedication to improve the lives of Malawian youths.

The drilling of the borehole is expected to take two days if there will be no obstacles.



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