Be Exemplary, Fr Mario tells AEI teaching staff

Fr Mario Pacifici who is also the founding trustee of Andiamo Cooperative Trust has asked the AEI teaching staff to be exemplary to the students or else risked being fired. Fr. Mario was speaking this during the Sunday mass, which was the last since students will leave this Thursday for Easter holidays.

Students: advised to be patient

“I want you to be exemplary to these students even outside the classrooms,” said Fr. Mario.

During the same mass, students’ representative Triza Kananji read out their statement in which they thanked Fr. Mario and promised to be good students wherever they are going.

Among the congregation, was Mayi Petro, an old lady who according to Fr. Mario, has worked with him since he arrived in Malawi to the extent that she is the lady who donated a piece of land where Andiamo was built.

When she was given a chance to speak to the students, she left all the students in laughter as she used proverbs that made sense then and continue to do so now. She advised them to be patient.

Students leave Thursday 22 March and are expected to be back on 15 April.

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